“Double Rebound 2: A Sizzling Hot Foursome with Juicy Jina and Chriistina | 3DXChat Video”

In the sequel to Double Rebound, Chriistina joins her best friend, Jina, for a night of partying and clubbing. Brett and Eugine accompany them and eventually find themselves at Chriistina’s home. However, instead of a threesome, they engage in a sizzling hot foursome full of intense pleasure and numerous orgasms.

Starring: Juicy Jina and Chriistina; Music by Antonio Sadano; Directed by Brett Smith; Produced and published by JBHeat Productions™

Click on the cover below to watch this 3DXChat video.

Double Rebound 2
Double Rebound 2
See also  Experience Beach Heat, a Sensual Beach Dream in the Sequel to The Date | Juicy Jina | Antonio Sadano | Brett Smith | JBHeat Productions™"